The easiest way to
Environmental Product Declarations

Parq simplifies the EPD process by automating data collection, modeling, reporting, and 3rd party verification.

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An all-in-one solution for Environmental Product Declarations.

Easier EPD creation so you can meet customer demands. Faster.
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Streamline EPD creation

Simplify the EPD creation process. At scale.

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Faster data collection

PARQ handles internal data collection and supplier outreach so you don't have to.

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3rd party verification

3rd party verification in days, not months.

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Automate EPD maintenance

Automate EPD maintenance to ensure ongoing accuracy and compliance.

Faster EPDs at scale

Parq is the fastest and easiest EPD solution in the world. Integrate with your data sources, and let Hazel, your AI-powered sustainability analyst handle the rest.

Automate data collection

Parq connects systems and information so your team can quit chasing data and work faster.

Better, faster certifications through technology

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Automated data gathering
AI Modeling Icon
AI-powered modeling
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AI-powered reports
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3rd-party verification
Environmental certification Icon
Environmental product declaration

An all-in-one solution for Environmental Product Declarations.

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